
R, Tex, データサイエンスに関するノート


Variance of U-statistics
Lee p12. Sefling p183

Infinite Order U-Statistics
Frees (1989)

Helig and Nolan

Hoeffding decomposition

U 統計量をdegree がc で互いに無相関なU統計量の和に書くことができる。
この表現をHoeffding decomposition またはANOVA decomposition という。
This expression is useful even when m is a functiokn of  n

Chen and Shao (2007) derived Berry-Esseen bound for U-statistics
Shao Zhang Zhou (2016) obtained Berry-Esseen bound for studentized U-statistics
of degree 2. It is not clear to me that their result can be extended to arbitrary degree  m