
R, Tex, データサイエンスに関するノート

Causal Inference for Continuous Treatments

Causal inference for continuous treatments

Estimation of a continuous dose-response function

〇Hirano, K. and Imbens, G. W. (2004). The propensity score with continuous treatments. In
Gelman, A. and Meng, X.-L., editors, Applied Bayesian Modeling and Causal Inference
from Incomplete-Data Perspectives, pages 73–84. John Wiley & Sons.

Generalized propensity scores for multiple continuous treatment variables
Peter H.EggerabcdeMaximilianvon Ehrlicha, Economics Letters

Direct and indirect effects of continuous treatments based on generalized propensity score weighting

Evaluating Continuous Training Programs Using the Generalized Propensity Score
Jochen Kluve
(continuous does-response function of duration of training program)

Leitez(2016) Practical Propensity Score Methods Using R,
chapter 7 (Rコードもある)

広告を見た回数→購入 の効果、職業訓練参加期間→職業に就く、

Regression 等でどのように使うのか